
What Is Ethical Hacking Mobile & Computer Security Tips And Ethical Hacking

Ethical Hacking What is Ethical Hacking Hacking is the process of identifying and exploiting vulnerabilities in a system or network to gain unauthorized access to data and system resources. Ethical hacking sometimes referred to as penetration testing, is the act of intruding / infiltrating a system or network, or malicious attackers detecting vulnerabilities in a system that could lead to data loss, financial loss, or other major damage. The purpose of ethical hacking is to improve the security of a network or system by fixing vulnerabilities detected during testing. Ethical hackers may use the same methods and tools used by malicious hackers, but only with the permission of an authorized person, in order to improve security and protect the system from attacks by malicious users. Ethical Hacking Skills An ethical hacker is a skilled professional who has excellent technical knowledge and skills and knows how to identify vulnerabilities in target systems and exploit them. It works with ...

What Is Hacking Introduction, History And Classification

What Is Hacking Introduction, History & Classification                   What is Hacking A hacker is a person who detects defenses and vulnerabilities in a computer system or network. Hacking is the act of invading privacy on a computer, stealing corporate data, and committing fraudulent acts such as personal information. Cybercrime costs millions of dollars every year. Businesses need to protect themselves from such attacks. History Of Hacking In 1980, An article in the August issue of Psychology Today used the word "hacker" in its title: "Hacker Papers". This was a topic other than the Stanford Bulletin Board's discussion of computer use addiction. In the 1982 film Tron, Kevin Flynn (Jeff Bridge) described his intention to enter Encom's computer system and said that he was hacking a little bit. CLU is the software used for this. In 1983, hacking in the sense of breaking computer security was already in use as a computer jargo...

How To Choose Secure Password

How To Choose Secure Password What is  Secure Password From the first day of computing. The Complete Time-Sharing System (CTSS), introduced at MIT in 1961 , was the first computer system to implement secure password login. A password is a secret word that you need to know to allow you to know the place A passcode is called a memorized secret because a password is usually used to confirm a user's identity. Use the terminology of the NIST Digital Identity Guidelines This secret is remembered by the party known as the applicant, while the party identifying the applicant is called the verifier. When the applicant successfully demonstrates password knowledge to the verifier through the established authentication protocol, the verifier is able to determine the identity of the applicant. The password is an arbitrary thread of characters, including letters, numbers, and other symbols. If the permissible characters are bound to be numerical, then the corresponding secret is sometimes calle...

What Is Cyber Security And Types Of Cyber Attacks

Introduction Of Cyber Security  We live in a digital age that understands that our private information is more insecure than ever. From Internet banking to government infrastructure, we all live together in a network where data is stored on computers and other devices. A portion of that data may be sensitive information, although it may be intellectual property, financial data, personal information or other types of data for which unauthorized access or exposure may have negative consequences. Cybersecurity is the protection of the Internet connective system, including hardware software and data from cyber-attacks. It is made up of two words, one is cyber and the other is security. Cyber ​​is related to technology that consists of systems, networks and programs or data. So Security is concerned with protection which includes system security, network security and application and information security. We may also define cybersecurity as designed to protect our computer resources an...